Optimising mobile user experience: Key considerations for success

Photo of Jessica Reynolds
Jessica Reynolds UX Designer
12 Feb 2024

In today's digital era, where mobile devices have become an indispensable part of daily life, catering to mobile users is not just a choice but a necessity. According to a survey conducted by Statista in 2022, the number of unique mobile users surpassed six billion, highlighting the widespread nature of mobile usage. With over 60% of the global internet population accessing the internet via mobile devices, businesses must ensure their online presence is optimised for mobile users. In this blog post, we'll delve into key considerations for creating a seamless mobile user experience that fosters customer satisfaction and retention.

Designing for mobile

Understanding your user base and their preferred devices is crucial for designing a successful experience. Adopting a mobile-first approach, especially if analytics reveal a significant portion of users engage via mobile devices, ensures your website or app meets their needs effectively. Responsive design allows content to adapt to different screen sizes seamlessly, providing a consistent experience across devices. Additionally, investing in a native app can offer enhanced performance and functionality if your business and use cases align with this approach. Considering an appropriate website mobile approach is crucial as adopting a one-size-fits-all all strategy may not yield optimal results.

Bandwidth barriers

Mobile users are often on the go and may encounter varying levels of network connectivity. To mitigate bandwidth barriers, simplicity should be prioritised in design. Avoiding complex animations or heavy images that slow down load times is crucial for retaining user engagement. Opt for lightweight elements and prioritise content delivery to ensure a smooth browsing experience, even under challenging network conditions. Fruto had the opportunity to collaborate with CABI on a project aimed at addressing agricultural challenges, especially for those in developing countries. The design team had to consider the limited internet access when designing the mobile app highlighting the importance of contextual considerations within mobile design. 

Your value proposition

In the fast-paced world of mobile browsing, capturing user attention and conveying your value proposition efficiently is essential. Utilise user research to identify core user needs and preferences, then streamline your content and CTA’s to be scannable to highlight key value propositions prominently. Following principles such as the Hicks Law, which emphasises reducing cognitive load by simplifying choices, can guide the design process and ensure clarity. This allows key information or actions to be at the forefront reducing decision fatigue which increases engagement and conversion.

Touch targets and quick actions

Navigating a mobile interface should be intuitive and frictionless for users. Maintaining UI consistency and providing clear touch targets enhance usability and reduce user frustration. Best practice for touchable areas is to make sure they’re  7x7mm as this is the average fingertip size. Additionally, incorporating quick actions for common tasks and ensuring an easily accessible navigation menu can streamline user interactions and facilitate seamless browsing.


Ensuring accessibility is not only essential for individuals who experience barriers to technology but also a legal requirement for businesses operating in digital spaces. Approximately 16% of the world's population experiences some form of disability, underscoring the importance of designing inclusive mobile experiences. Adhering to accessibility standards outlined by organisations like the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ensures that mobile interfaces are usable for all individuals, regardless of their abilities. Prioritising factors such as readable font sizes and implementing key accessibility features guarantee that your mobile experience is accessible to everyone.

In summary

As mobile internet usage continues to soar, prioritising mobile user experience is no longer optional for businesses—it's a strategic imperative. By embracing responsive design principles, optimising for bandwidth constraints, refining value propositions, ensuring UI consistency, and prioritising accessibility, businesses can create mobile experiences that resonate with users and drive long-term success in an increasingly mobile-centric world. By implementing these key considerations, businesses can position themselves as leaders in providing exceptional mobile user experiences that contribute to wider strategic aims of customer and user satisfaction, retention, growth, and conversion. 

Want to chat about your mobile approach? Get in touch with us today!

Photo of Jessica Reynolds

About the author

Jessica Reynolds

With a background in mental health, Jessica uses her empathetic approach within UX to uncover compelling insights! Jessica holds a Masters in User Experience from Kingston University and has worked across B2B and B2C projects within a variety of sectors such as health, finance, entertainment, e-commerce and gaming.

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