SaaS start-ups

We work with many start-ups from a variety of sectors, including healthcare, sciences and emerging technology.

The project has been very successful, thank you to all at Fruto. This great product has put us in a strong position to approach funders with a product that is attractive for a trial in clinical practice.

Getting Fruto involved helped us define what we needed to prioritise to improve the user experience of our app. The insights we got from their work were eye-opening. We also learned some great UX techniques that we now use in-house.

UX review for an AI healthcare startup


AiSentia is a healthcare tech startup at the forefront of healthcare innovation in medical imaging. As one of the project consortium partners, we were brought in to help them review the user interface of their existing prototype to refine and test to improve the user-friendliness of AiSentia’s software and provide a UX strategy for future phases of work.

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UX for Autonomous Vehicle (AV) on-road test driving


Wayve has a team of highly trained, highly-skilled drivers - AVSO’s (Autonomous Vehicle Safety Operators) - who conduct on-road testing of the AI software. Our job was to identify how to improve the AVSO user experience and the reliability and accuracy of the data that the on-road testing provides to their in-house research and software engineering teams.

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UI design & pattern library for healthcare app

Cognitant / Healthinote app

Cognitant empowers people to take control of their health through deeper understanding of their conditions and treatment. Experts in the production of innovative health information and experiences, Cognitant applies use of visual, immersive and interactive formats to drive changes in patient behaviour and outcomes.

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Accessible UI design for speech therapy healthcare app

Beautiful Voice

Designing a user-friendly, AA-standard accessible interface for a startup speech & language therapy app to boost engagement and streamline future development.

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UX strategy for UK’s biggest school parent community app


Classlist is a private social network app, with over 300k users, that allows parents from the same school to communicate with each other. The desktop and mobile apps aim to make the job of parenting easier and include functionalities such as class lists; lift share; group and private messaging and event management.

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UI design & branding for healthcare start-up

Albus Health

Albus Health have developed an automated real-time home monitoring system to predict and prevent asthma attacks. They needed a logo and mock-up of the user interface to help them communicate their product vision to potential investors.

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UX design for data visualisation app


Zegami is a visual search and analytics platform that allows users to explore large image datasets in an intuitive way. We worked with them to improve the user experience and user interface design of their app.

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UI design for risk communication software


Percodia is a personalised risk communication tool developed by researchers at the University of Oxford to help doctors better communicate Type-2 diabetes related risks to patients in consultations. We created an intuitive and modern-looking user interface that would help Percodia be adopted more easily in clinical settings.

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UX research for CRM app for estate agents


Hystreet is an online CRM (Customer relationship management) app for estate agents. They needed help improving their UX for a specific customer group as well as help prioritising the UX issues.

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UI design for online accountants software


inniAccounts is an Award-winning online software that makes life easier for contractors, consultants and freelancers. With innovative software and clear advice from our friendly experts, you can effortlessly manage your accounts with confidence. 

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